Wednesday, 26 March 2025

Blog Update - and a Photographic trip to Elmley Nature Reserve

A Blog Update -  and a Photographic trip to Elmley Nature Reserve

Over the last few years, I have been very lapse with my blog posts. In fact, the last one I did was in 2022, just after OM Systems launched the OM1. 

The reason I started blogging was to show some of my images, and talk about locations that I have visited.  About three years ago,I started making YouTube videos, and they tended to take over from my blog posts.  Consequently, my `blog posts` tended to be ignored. 

Producing a YouTube video takes a lot of time, planning and effort. Often, I have been to a location  intended to make a video, only to find that although I had some nice `stills`, I did not have enough `material or footage` to make a decent YouTube video. 

So to show images when I have been somewhere, and  not had enough material for a YouTube video, I intend to start blogging again.  This is not to say that I intend to stop making YouTube videos, its more a case of using the blog to occassionally show pictures taken at different locations. 

Photographic trip to Elmley Nature Reserve

Consequently, these shots are from a recent trip with a camera club friend to Elmley Nature Reserve on the Isle of Sheppy. This trip wasn`t intended for a YouTube video, (I dont like `talking to camera` when I am with someone, or if there are other people around ) So the trip was solely for taking `stills` for my camera club or social media. 

 All the images are taken using the OM1mkII, 150-400mm lens, often with the 1.25 extender.  Most shots are taken from the car, resting the lens on a bean bag, although the following Barn Owl images were taken after we had parked up in the reserve car park, and walked down to the old ruined schoolhouse. On the way to the schoolhouse, we were treated to a fine display from this Barn Owl . All the the Barn Owl shots are taken hand held.

Barn Owl
                                                                             Barn Owl 
                                                                            Barn Owl 
                                                                            Barn Owl 
                                                           Barn Owl resting on a post 
                            Once I had a few record shots of the Barn Owl on the post, I switched
                         the OM1mkII to ProCapSH2 and waited for it to fly. The light was quite dull
                          so at ISO 1600, I could only get 1/800th sec. I was pleased with the result.
                                                                             Barn Owl                   
                                                Flock of Birds in flight - mainly Widgeon 
                                                                     Hare on the run
                                            Male Lapwing - males tend to have a longer crest
                                                                       Lapwing in flight
                                 Female Marsh Harrier attacking a Coot. This lasted for about 
                           5 minutes. The Harrier really struggled with the Coot, and had to
                                  drown it before it could carry it off. It was amazing to watch ! 
                                                                    Marsh Harrier 
                                                                       Male Shovler 

Saturday, 19 March 2022

My Thoughts on the New OM1 Camera

 My Thoughts on the New OM1 Camera 

A few weeks ago OM Systems (previously Olympus) released their much anticipated `Wow` camera. It is called the OM1, and the official release date is exactly 50 years to the day that the original OM1 film camera was released . 

As I am an OM Systems Ambassador, OM Systems kindly sent me the OM1 to try out  before the official released date.   So what are my thoughts ? 

Firstly it is a BIG improvement on both the EM1X and the EM1mkIII.  That`s not to say those are bad cameras, - I have had some fantastic images over the last few years from both these cameras .  Its just that the new OM1 is a different level altogether. 

The autofocus is vastly improved, especially for birds in flight. With the `Bird Eye Tracking` update for the EM1X, it was brilliant for locking on to a birds eye and holding focus as it moved around. This was fine for subjects that were they were more or less in the same field of view. It was fine for birds from a hide, birds on the shoreline, and it would even pick up a birds eye when in amongst branches in a tree.  Where the eye detection fell short was for birds in flight. It would not track them successfully and because of this the best option was to use C-AF and a small cluster of focusing points in the middle of the frame. Using this approach, some very good flight shots could be had, but it was a bit `hit and miss`. 

 On the OM1, the bird tracking really works well, and locks onto birds in flight  successfully. Its not 100% perfect, but you get a far higher proportion of `keepers` than on the previous models. 

The Pro Capture modes are also improved. Previously, Pro Capture Low would only autofocus up to 18 fps. Now it will autofocus up to 50frps. The Pro Capture High setting is also improved. Previously it was 60frps with manual focus. On the OM1 it is now a whacking 120fps ! 

With the new Tupix Senor, ISO performance is improved, so now it is possible to shoot at quite high ISO settings, although I have not as yet had a chance to test this out fully. 

Other modes are also improved - High Res shots, improved Dynamic range, brighter viewfinder, improved Live ND , as well as being able to shoot 4k 60fps video. This is a great bonus because it will autofocus at 4K so I will be able to slow the video down in post production to produce a smooth slow motion effect. Although not quite the full slow motion effect you would get at shooting at 120frps, it is still a big improvement, although I really do wish they had enabled it to autofocus in video at 120fps. Maybe in future models ? 

To try out the OM1, I decided to spend the day down at Elmley Nature Reserve in Kent.  This would give me plenty of opportunities to photograph both birds on the ground as well as birds in flight. The following images are from that session, and are all shot on the OM1, combined with the 300mm F4 lens + MC14 Converter. ISO was beteen ISO 800 and ISO1250. 

Sunday, 13 March 2022

Camera Club Bookings for March

 Camera Club Bookings for March 

I am a bit late posting my camera club talks for this month. Unfortunately some I have already given. 

Some clubs are quite happy to allow visitors to zoom meeting, (although not all) providing that the visitor pays a small donation to the clubs finanaces. 

These are the clubs that I am `zooming` to this month. 

1st March - Maesycwmmer Camera Club - `New Images - Why I Switched`(zoom)

3rd March - Great Notley PS - `New Images ` Why I Switched ` (not zoom -print talk) 

7th March - Potters Bar PS - New Images ` Why I Switched ` (not zoom -print talk) 

8th March - Rhyl PS - Nature In Macro Photography (zoom) 

15th March - St. Neots & DCC - `Capturing the Decisive Moment - Sport and Action` 

17th March - Tring & DPS - `New Images - Why I Switched`(zoom)

-21st March - Walthamstowe &DPS - `New Images - Why I Switched`(zoom)

22nd March - 85 Group Photography - Nature In Macro Photography (zoom) 

23rd March - Catchlight CC - 1All the Gear and No Idea` 

Friday, 4 February 2022

Permajet Article

Permajet Article 

Permajet asked me to write an article for their blog.  You can view the full article by clicking the link below.  

Why Oyster 271 Is My Go To Paper | Roger Hance - PermaJet 

Wednesday, 2 February 2022

Camera Club Bookings for February

 Camera Club Bookings for February 

I have had a few people contact me through social media asking where I am giving photographic zoom presentations. 

Some clubs are quite happy to allow visitors to zoom meeting, (although not all) providing that the visitor pays a small donation to the clubs finanaces. 

These are the clubs that I am `zooming` to this month. 

1st February - Bedford Camera Club - Capturing the Decisive Moment - Sport and Action

2nd February - Parkstone Camera Club - Working in Themed Panels 

3rd February - Enfield Camera Club - Capturing the Decisive Moment - Sport and Action

8th February - Hadleigh Camera Club - Nature Photography in the UK - Tips, Tricks and Locations (not Zoom) 

9th February - Camversation - All the Gear and No Idea

10th February - Wallingford camera Club - New Images 2020 - Why I Switched 

15th February - Cricklade Camera Club - All the Gear and No Idea

22nd February - Weymouth Camera Club - All the Gear and No Idea

23rd February - Huddersfield Photo Imaging Group - Nature in Macro Photography 

24th February - Kilkenny Photographic Society - Photographing Birds and Wildlife in your Garden

25th February - Melton Mobray camera Club -  Nature in Macro Photography


Saturday, 29 January 2022

Photographing Nuthatches - New YouTube Video

 Photographing Nuthatches - New YouTube Video 

I have uplaoded a new YouTube video, - this time on photographing Nuthatches. You need to copy and paste the link to view, or just type in Roger Hance Photography into YouTube.

A few images from the video 

Some of the other birds in the video. 

Wednesday, 5 January 2022

Camera Club Bookings for January

 Camera Club Bookings for January

I have had a few people contact me through social media asking where I am giving photographic zoom presentations. 

Some clubs are quite happy to allow visitors to zoom meeting, (although not all) providing that the visitor pays a small donation to the clubs finanaces. 

These are the clubs that I am `zooming` to this month. 

5th January - Axholme CC  - `Nature Photography in the UK` - Tips, Techniques and Locations. 

6th January - Woodbridge RSPB - `The Secret Life of a Wood` (more Natural History based than photographic) 

7th January - Ards CC - `All the Gear and No Idea` 

10th January - Whitstable PG - `Working in Themed Panels`

13th January - Nottingham Outlaws PS - `How it Started - How It Finished` 

17th January - Ellon Photo Group - `All the Gear and No Idea `

18th January - 3.00pm  Watford U3A - `Attracting Birds and Wildlife to your Garden `

18th January - East Ipswich CC - `New Images - Why I Switched` 

19th January - Eley CC. - How it Started , How it Finished` 

25th January - Maidenhead CC - `New Images - Why I Switched` 

26th January - Highcliff and Infinity PC - `How it Started - How it Finished` 

27th January  - Morton CC - `Capturing the Decisive Moment - Sport and Action` 

30th January - Dundee CC - `Capturing the Decisive Moment - Sport and Action` 

If you would like to watch any of these talks then contact the clubs directly and see if they are happy to allow visitors.